Welcome to Brian’s wonderful world, where the kind of stuff that we put on our bodies and hair matters.
First and foremost, would you believe that Brian Phillips (@brianatworld) graduated from not only the same university as I did but also the same program? Although we graduated several years from each other, I find this coincidence to be quite amazing. Concordia University’s Communication Studies Program is an extremely small faculty. My classmates were beyond creative and always thinking outside the box, so it’s no surprise that Brian is a graduate of this department.
Let’s face it. If you stink and your hair looks like a rat’s nest – it’s not a good look. And you also feel like crap. Personal Hygiene is such a crucial part of our everyday living. We care how people see us and how we feel about ourselves. The book Get Up is all about that, just like in Brian’s wonderful world.
I am so grateful that Lisa Borden from Borden Communications (@bordencommunications) introduced me to Brian. We needed a mentor on personal hygiene to answer the question:
Brian’s advice is of course, so timely, relatable, and brilliant. But of course, I had to dig deeper, because I knew that there was more to Brian than just shampoo.
Here we go!
Who is Brian Phillips?
I am the founder of the eco brand WORLD Hair and Skin (@worldhairskin). A celebrity Stylist and owner of one of Canada’s greenest salons called WorldSALON (@Worldsalon). I am a distillation of many things. A partner, dog dad, friend, outdoor lover, brother, black, brown, gay, Canadian, university grad, hairstylist, product designer, runner, gardener, a mixed breed, uncle, gym bunny, neighbour, writer, poet, West Indian, British and more.
Please share your hair care journey
I received a BA in Communication Studies from Concordia University in Montreal in 1981. In 1989 I opened worldSALON, which in 1993 was voted “Perennial Best Hair Experience” by Toronto Life Magazine. After a serious skin reaction caused by toxins in salon products, I launched worldPRODUCTS in 2001. A multi-use personal care line for hair and skin that is a healthy alternative to the plethora of toxic products on the market today. The line was perfected and wholesaled to select establishments for testing, with resounding success. In June 2015 the line was re-branded as WORLD Hair and Skin and is now being offered to a community of like-minded salons and retailers across North America, striving to achieve healthier beauty for clients, staff, and customers.
What is your favourite part about working with hair?
I love the pliability of hair. I love how it moves, and sparkles when it is healthy. When you have mastered the techniques of directing hair into the shapes you see in your mind, and more importantly your client’s minds, that’s when incredible trust is born and relationships blossom. I love how clients can come in all dragged out and in an hour they are bursting with confidence and sexiness. It’s also great that you get paid right away and don’t have to wait 30, 60, or 90 days.
What do you think of Hair-wash days? Does everyone have to follow the same hair care routine?
No one person is the same. A marathon runner has different needs than a librarian unless that librarian runs around the library really fast! I would say overall, people generally wash their hair too often. When the “no poo” movement started (Editor’s note: washing your hair without shampoo) I went for almost a full month without using any detergent at all on my hair or body. After two weeks something cool happened. I got to know my real scent and it wasn’t disgusting. I was reading “Perfume” by Peter Suskind at the time which added a macabre twist to the whole experience. Now that I have locs, I wash my hair once every two weeks and use NogginOil WASH every time I run just to get the perspiration off my scalp.
What is the biggest lesson you have learned about owning a hair salon?
It sounds corny, but being disciplined in my life has been truly the key to happiness. We all innately understand that when we do the things we are supposed to do when we are supposed to do them, it is like money in the bank. I had no idea about business when I started running a salon and was terrified of being responsible for other people. Every day, if you put money into the bank, you will be able to handle life’s withdrawals.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the friendships I have built over the years. I am blessed to have some seriously cool, talented, creative, and crazy funny people in my life.
Let’s unpack your quote: Please elaborate on the following.
“You might not know it now, but hygiene is a huge indicator of how you present yourself. It is something that you alone have control over. Being aware of the products you use and how they affect your body and health will, in turn, have a direct impact on our planet. Choose your products wisely.”
I used this quote to pass on something I wish I knew before I got into the hair business. Apart from presenting yourself to the world as someone that takes care of themselves (clean hair, skin, teeth…) using cheap, toxic products with tons of perfume and nasty chemicals could directly affect your longevity. My bout with contact dermatitis was awful, but many are not so lucky. Quality over quantity is one of the most important lessons we can learn, especially with our planet on the brink. Good, healthy products might cost more, but like a beautiful pair of shoes that you take care of and shine up before you wear them, they show the world you care.

Thank you, Brian, for sharing your wonderful world with us. What you put on your body and hair says a lot about how you present yourself to the world. Choosing quality, eco-friendly products that will not only make you look amazing, but feel amazing, will radiate beyond the surface of your skin.