The Best Way To Read Get Up

The best way to read Get Up is not what you may think. I know you all know how to read a book and the last thing you want to hear is someone telling you how to. However, if there is one thing I appreciate from my readers is the act of honesty.

What have I been hearing?

  • They don’t read.
  • Haven’t got time.
  • They don’t read.

Number one was quite the popular answer, hence that is the reason why I wrote it for number 3. I completely get it. To be perfectly honest, when I was young, I DIDN’T READ EITHER. Well, unless it was a really good book. My love for reading only picked up as I got older. Hey, we all bloom at our own time.

In the meantime, have I got the solution(s) pour vous! 


Let’s start with the middle answer: “Haven’t got time.” I have one thing to say:

Honey, you don’t have to read the book in one sitting!

For some, that is a huge undertaking. It could be intimidating and too much to handle during this time in their lives. The book won’t disappear and go, POOF, after you buy it. It will be there FOREVER. Take your time and enjoy one chapter at a time.

Do you have 3 minutes?

It takes about one minute to read one story, one minute to go over the exercise, and one minute to figure out the exercise. It’s like spending three minutes on social media, without them feeling that their life isn’t perfect like so and so. Isn’t that a good enough reason?

And now for the most popular answer:

My Child Doesn’t Read

I know from experience that as much as you would love your child to enjoy reading, you can’t force them to. Especially when it comes to reading outside of their academic commitments. They will pick up this incredible escape when they are ready.

Here’s an idea. You can read WITH them.

The next time you want to talk about “stuff” but are unsure where to begin, pick up Get Up, turn to a chapter that discusses a topic that you think your child might enjoy and relate to, and read it to them.

Then wait. Here comes the magic. You don’t have to say a word. Wait for their reaction and listen. Let them tell you what they think of the chapter. I don’t care if they think it’s the stupidest or the smartest story. The point here is that:

It will get them talking. And you will be listening.

Which is the secret sauce to successful parenting.

No one said that parenting is easy. But with the right tools and lots of patience, you might just get somewhere.

Get your copy of Get Up here.