The Great Surrender

Last week, it was time for the great surrender. This idea to surrender didn’t come to me so quickly. I always knew about the act of surrendering, but it didn’t come into my subconscious until Judy Librach (@judyellebliss) from Finding Your Bliss (@theblissminute) posted about the idea of letting go of what we can’t control. […]
My Best Advice

As 2021 is quickly coming to a close, I have decided to share my best advice with all of you. I am no professional, but, as Lisa Borden (@lisaborden) explains, you can be your own best expert. In addition, the number of times that I have been around the sun, my years of experience as […]
The Best Way To Meditate

About a year ago, if you asked me about the best way to meditate, I would have raised my hands in the air, shake my head and say “no clue…plus, I don’t meditate! Never. I don’t have time.” Since the pandemic hit, I can say with confidence, that it was the perfect opportunity for me […]
Exercise Snacks 2.0

Have you heard about Exercise Snacking? It’s an alternative way to get exercise into your day. Thanks to our “new normal”, I have officially decided that Exercise Snacking has just been upgraded to Exercise Snacks 2.0. I assure you that this is a good thing. First and foremost, let me explain what Exercise Snacking is […]