The Best Way To Read Get Up

The best way to read Get Up is not what you may think. I know you all know how to read a book and the last thing you want to hear is someone telling you how to. However, if there is one thing I appreciate from my readers is the act of honesty. What have […]

The Best Kind of Joy

This is the best kind of Joy. Three cheers to Joy Badler Rabie’s parents who had an intuition that her name would do her justice and describe her to a “T”. Let me explain. When I am with Joy Rabie Badler, my shoulders return to their normal, relaxed state. I feel that everything is going […]

The Great Surrender

Last week, it was time for the great surrender. This idea to surrender didn’t come to me so quickly. I always knew about the act of surrendering, but it didn’t come into my subconscious until Judy Librach (@judyellebliss) from Finding Your Bliss (@theblissminute) posted about the idea of letting go of what we can’t control. […]

Listening, Learning, and no BS!

Lisa Kates is one woman whose M.O is learning, listening, and no BS! I first met Lisa Kates (@lisa.a.kates) virtually through the classes that I take from The Akira Concept (@theakiraconcept). I then asked Lisa to be a mentor in Get Up. And I’m so glad she agreed because what she shared was a goodie! […]

Everyone Loves Ellen

I have known for quite some time that everyone loves Ellen Levy Schwartz (@EllenLevySchwartz), but it really became apparent every time I posted a picture of the two of us during one of our coffee dates. My “likes” on social media skyrocketed. Granted, I should not – ever – (and neither should you!) care about […]

The World Needs people like Megan.

The very first time I met Megan Cote Khosroshahi, (@megancotekh) I was convinced that the world needs people like Megan. Wife, Mother, Friend, dedicated employee, and all-around spectacular human being. Megan works with Lisa Borden (@lisaborden) at Borden Communications (@BordenCommunications) and The Akira Concept (@theakiraconcept). Her title is Director of Execution and Evolution. The way […]

The Best Collaboration

The best collaboration sometimes begins with a rocky start. In my case, it was a flip phone. “What’s that noise?” I frantically looked around, hoping no one would notice. But it was too late. My flip phone was making a beeping sound and I didn’t know how to turn it off. It was the early […]

The Best Way To Meditate

About a year ago, if you asked me about the best way to meditate, I would have raised my hands in the air, shake my head and say “no clue…plus, I don’t meditate! Never. I don’t have time.” Since the pandemic hit, I can say with confidence, that it was the perfect opportunity for me […]

The Best Self-Care Discoveries

I am so excited to share with you, some of the best self-care discoveries that I have welcomed into my world. This didn’t happen overnight! It took years in the making, and it has to do with who I spend my time with! While writing my second book, Get Up, I have been working closely […]

The Best Way to Sneak in Exercise

The best way to sneak in exercise. How can it be done? Here’s a hint – It may have to do with laundry! First things first, any way you slice it, it’s a challenge to find time to exercise. Before work? After work? After school? Before school? (As if that’s going to happen in my […]