Want to be a good parent? Act as a plant!
Everyone wants to be a good parent, yet the idea of acting as a plant seems absolutely ridiculous, right? Well, not exactly. There are a gazillion videos, and books to teach us how to be a good parent. After reading and viewing a handful of them, and raising three kids of my own, I have […]
What Really Happens When You Coach Teens
Did you ever wonder what really happens when you coach teens? Especially those who need help choosing the right university or college. What about those standardized tests that are required to take? The SAT, ACT, GRE, and LSAT. Geez – those are rough. Many families hire a coach to help take these tests. Like a […]
That Webinar
That webinar I attended recently was totally worth my time. Since the pandemic hit, have you noticed that webinars of all kinds have been popping up in our mailboxes each day and I don’t know about you, but as a parent, I am grateful for it. There is nothing like support at your fingertips, and these […]