Sing Along with Nancy!

If you’re looking for meaningful songs to sing with little ones, you’ll love to sing along with Nancy Kopman! (@musicwithnancy) Get ready to meet a creative soul who writes music “with a purpose”: Love, validation, and guidance for each and every listener…including grown-ups! I first met Nancy through our mutual friend Shauna Lindzon, and then again […]
The Great Tempeh Challenge Part 2

Welcome to The Great Tempeh Challenge Part 2. This is not the first time that I have made something that did not work out. Mind you, the tempeh recipe that I posted two weeks ago, did work out, but it didn’t work out well enough for me. I was determined to try again. Being the […]
The Best Chocolate Pudding!

You’ve probably had chocolate pudding before, but not this one. If I have anything to say about it, this is hands down, the best chocolate pudding that I ever tasted. Plus, believe it or not, it’s good for you too! Like all the recipes that I share on Brave The Waves, it’s gotta have three […]
Best Snack Ever!

Want to learn how to make the best snack ever with just three ingredients and your oven?
My Almond Butter Journey

My almond butter journey began with the day that I ran out of the stuff. I usually get my fix out of a commercial brand. Suddenly, the almond butter jar was empty and I refused to go to the grocery store due to my strict schedule of visiting public places once a week. I wanted […]
What if you don’t want to stay at home?

You have to stay home, but what if you don’t want to stay at home? It’s literally not fair. You just want to see your friends. Like now. You want a sleepover so bad you could scream. You have so much work to do but don’t know how to get started. Plus, you haven’t gotten […]