Filled With Hope

Filled with hope. There is no better way to describe the feeling I get whenever I am in the presence of this extraordinary human being, Hope Paterson (mamahopey8). There is something magical when a person’s name resembles who they are, as this is the second time this has happened to me. 😉 World traveler. Opportunity […]

It’s Sometimes Hard To Be A Family

It’s sometimes hard to be a family and nobody explains that better than Maurice Sendak. Author of Where The Wild Things Are. In any household, where there are multiple people living under one roof, and therefore, anyone can agree that it’s sometimes hard to be a family. There are chores to be done, spaces to be […]

Caterpillars, butterflies, your body and the changes.

Caterpillars, butterflies, your body, and the changes. Oh my – that’s a mouthful. What does caterpillars and butterflies have to do with your body? Put it this way, if the caterpillar never changed there’d be no butterflies. We would have just a bunch of caterpillars crawling around. They are cute, fuzzy and fun to watch […]

The Best Way to Handle Anger

It’s happening again. You can feel your shoulders begin to rise. Is that steam blowing out of your ears? Is your jaw sore from clenching? Someone or something pissed you off and you really want to do something about it; plus, our current lifestyle will be having its first anniversary next week. Combine the two […]