I Tried and Loved Yoga Nidra

The other day, my writers block came storming into my word, but then I tried and loved Yoga Nidra! What until you read what happened!
Lisa’s Lovely Luxury Plant Based World

Welcome to Lisa’s lovely luxury plant based world, Stush in the Bush (@stushinthebush). A dining experience like no other, in the beautiful hills of St. Ann, Jamaica. Here you will find ITAL, (a food that is the livity of the Rastafari Movement which enables one to live life in its purest natural way.) plant based feast like […]
Kitchen Table Wisdom with Jordan

Welcome to my kitchen table wisdom with Jordan Wagman. (@chefjordanwagman) Where the food is fresh and the advice is hot. Prepared with the utmost authenticity, for you all to enjoy. Myself included. A handful of years ago, I had a dish or two that Jordan prepared, and to say that I enjoyed every last bite […]
Striving To Be The Best He Can Be

Striving to be the best he can be. A strong statement, with high expectations. Yet, it’s the best description of a recent interviewee. Hang on, let me explain. I’d like to introduce you to a chiropractor, Dr. Navaz Habib, who views his time on earth as someone who is constantly learning. Growing. Appreciative. To view […]
Melissa is Magic

Melissa is Magic. Hokus-pokus and pulling rabbits out of hats type of magic? Not a chance. I’m talking about the magic that comes from being intuitive, patient, and inquisitive. Finding our true gifts. Seeing who we truly are. Introducing Melissa Leithwood (@melissaleithwood) who was introduced to me by Lisa Borden from Borden Communications (@bordencommunications) who […]
Fabulous and Free-Spirited Fern

I first met fabulous and free-spirited Fern Hoffer (@fernellen) through Lisa Borden from Borden Communications. (@bordencommunications) At the time, COVID was in full swing and I got to know Fern online. I was intrigued by her wisdom and kind soul. She generously shared a few words of wisdom that she would tell her teenage self […]
Sing Along with Nancy!

If you’re looking for meaningful songs to sing with little ones, you’ll love to sing along with Nancy Kopman! (@musicwithnancy) Get ready to meet a creative soul who writes music “with a purpose”: Love, validation, and guidance for each and every listener…including grown-ups! I first met Nancy through our mutual friend Shauna Lindzon, and then again […]
Why Dr. Nastasia Never Stops Learning

Why Dr. Nastasia never stops learning is the reason why she is who she is. A naturopath who has the warmest deposition. Open to learning. Experiencing. Listening. Most importantly, studying every experience that comes across her path while asking herself how she can learn from it. I first met Dr. Nastasia Irons (@drnastasia) before the […]
Dayna the Delightful Doctor

Meet Dr. Dayna Freedman, the delightful doctor who not only spends her time caring for women as a gynecologist but makes time for the things that matter. And appreciates that time. More on that in a moment. I first met Dayna years ago, thanks to our two sons who found each other in our community […]
Ryan is on the Right Path

Ryan is on the right path. Exactly where he is meant to be. How did he get here? Yes, there were a few bumps and scrapes, but it lead to a journey that he was meant to follow to help him recover and to help others. Ryan Golt is the ideal example of embracing what […]