Brave The Waves Program

After Me and My So-Called Friends was published in 2015, I visited several middle school classrooms in Toronto and received
tremendous feedback about the humorous and relatable storyline. Bringing the novel into the classroom was a natural fit and so
a teacher’s manual called Brave the Waves was born.
Brave The Waves – A Program for Building Resiliency is the result of a collaboration between Sharon Neiss-Arbess, social workers, educators,
and psychologists and was formally written by Ms. Deborah Rogers, B.Ed, M.A. It is targeted towards middle school youth, in grades 6 to 9

Why Brave The Waves?

The world we live in can be incredibly challenging, competitive, and lonely and yet, it can also be exciting, fun and wonderful. Kind of sounds like the way a body of water naturally moves right? Ah, the life of a teenager! Managing these waves in their lives can be easier with “a hands on” experience and that is what Brave The Waves promises to deliver.

What is so good about it?

The manual was written to support the Government of Ontario’s Open Minds, Healthy Minds initiative (2011), covers several Ontario Curriculum requirements and is extremely user-friendly for teachers and camp staff. Each lesson presents excerpts and activities that address the most complex challenges teens and middle schools are facing today: bullying and mental health.

There are ten lessons in the manual with topics including Effective Communication, Stress and Anxiety, Healthy Eating, Facing Challenges, Building Positive Relationships, Changing our Thinking, Belonging, Social Media, Making Good Decisions and Building Resiliency.

Click here for an excerpt (that seriously spills some tea!) and a sample lesson

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