Striving to be the best he can be. A strong statement, with high expectations. Yet, it’s the best description of a recent interviewee. Hang on, let me explain.
I’d like to introduce you to a chiropractor, Dr. Navaz Habib, who views his time on earth as someone who is constantly learning. Growing. Appreciative.
To view each of his patients and ask the question why. Why are they in his office? Each patient should never be treated the same, as we are all on our own journeys. Dr. Navaz Habib appreciates all that is around him.
And it doesn’t stop with his practice.
With a perspective like this, how could I not invite Dr. Navaz Habib to be a mentor in the book Get Up where I asked the question:
You know the drill. Get comfortable and enjoy this interview as we expand on what Dr. Navaz Habib has published in Get Up. You will see why Dr. Navaz Habib is striving to be the best he can be.
Who is Dr. Navaz Habib?
The Vagus Nerve Guy (haha). But really, I am a current resident of this planet, learning about the amazing innate intelligence that has been given to us while navigating the struggles of human life. To help those in need of a state shift to help get their bodies into a healing state! I’m also a happy husband and proud father to two amazing girls who challenge me to be the best dad I can be.
Please share your journey to becoming a chiropractor.
Ever since I can remember, I have been interested in how the human body works. I have since asked questions about how we interact with our environment and how we can be the best version of ourselves. Chiropractic was a simple answer for me as it truly resonated with answering the question of WHY. Why do certain issues happen to certain people? Why do some people experience pain or health challenges, while others don’t? I’ve been curious about this and have come across some answers, however, I continue to learn and support my clients with the best answers I possibly can.
What makes your practice unique?
I practice functional medicine. A unique approach to health focused on identifying and addressing the individual root causes of health struggles. I coach my clients through these challenges. Our focus at Health Upgraded is to upgrade the functioning of people’s Vagus nerve. The brain’s direct pathway to control inflammation throughout the body.
In all chronic health conditions and diagnoses, the common pathway is uncontrolled inflammation. It is the job of the brain and Vagus nerve to limit the effects of inflammation. To be acute and short-lived as it is a necessary process.
The issues occur however when we become less capable of controlling the inflammation, allowing that state to persist. My focus is on helping my clients improve the function of their Vagus nerves, so they can control inflammation effectively and potentially reverse the damage caused by uncontrolled inflammation.
Please share a meaningful lesson you have learned in your practice.
No two people are exactly the same. Each client that I work with has a unique story, a unique set of stressors that has led them to where they are, and a unique pathway to healing that needs to be found. We all have similarities and common foundational habits that need to be optimized, but the nuance of each case is the biggest learning that I have found.
If you could give 3 pieces of advice to take care of your body what would it be?
Firstly, learn to breathe correctly. Most of us have been conditioned into breathing patterns that are less than optimal. As such, re-learning to breathe is often the most important and most beneficial practice that can help improve everything from body pain to digestion and even the state of your body.
Secondly, set yourself up for successful sleep. This is overlooked and highly necessary. If you aren’t waking up rested, you’re not doing it right!
Thirdly, shift your state to parasympathetic. We cannot heal or recover when we are in fight or flight. Our bodies need to shift into the rest/digest/recover state which is parasympathetic. Everything can improve when we are in this state so learn the simple tools that can help you shift into parasympathetic easily and expeditiously.
What do you like to do when you are not taking care of your patients?
I love to get on my bike and go for a ride along the lake in Toronto, play a round of golf during the summer, and hang out with my kids on the weekends. Watching them grow into independent, strong women is everything to me and I love watching them become themselves!
Let’s unpack your quote! What did you mean by:
“I’ll borrow from Don Miguel Ruiz – Be impeccable with your word!”
Do what you say you are going to do. If we are not impeccable with our words, then our words mean nothing to ourselves and to others. The people around us deserve the best of us and if we are not true to the words we use, then we hurt only ourselves, and others will be unable to trust us. All relationships are built on a foundation of trust so being impeccable with your word is the foundation of building trust with ourselves and those around us.
Editor’s note: I couldn’t agree more, as I wrote about that subject here.

Thank you, Dr. Navaz Habib, for sharing your story with the readers of Get Up and anyone else who is reading this post right now. 😉 How I so admire your perspective on life, your humble advice, and the personalized care you give your patients.
Dr. Navaz Habib certainly is striving to be the best he can be. The best version of himself.