Why Dr. Nastasia never stops learning is the reason why she is who she is. A naturopath who has the warmest deposition. Open to learning. Experiencing. Listening. Most importantly, studying every experience that comes across her path while asking herself how she can learn from it.
I first met Dr. Nastasia Irons (@drnastasia) before the pandemic. She was administering acupuncture where she would prick those tiny but mighty needles exactly where I needed them.
Not only were those visits therapeutic, but they were fun! Oh my, did we ever laugh while I lay on her table – which is very hard to do when you have needles stuck here and there. Anyhow, through the giggles, I had the chance to witness firsthand how empathic, patient, and wise she is.
And of course, as I was making my list of mentors for my book Get Up, to answer the question:
I had to ask Dr. Nastasia, and by gosh, I’m glad I did. She shared a beauty, just like the lady she is.
Won’t you come into Dr. Nastasia’s office? It’s a great place to be.
Who is Dr. Nastasia Irons?
I am a sister, a daughter, a best friend, a spin instructor, and a naturopathic doctor. A health and wellness advocate for my peers and patients. I try to live my life authentically, making sure that I am kind to others while being inspired to learn and travel. To fill my life with as many experiences as possible while I am on this earth! I always knew that I wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and I want to use my life to inspire people to move, be healthy, and learn about their bodies – so that we can eliminate fear around healthcare and illness. Learn what can make us feel better and do more of that every day!
If you weren’t a naturopath, what would you be and why?
I would be a motivational speaker. I truly believe that the power to change comes from within. If I can inspire others to change their life, maybe the world would be a better place.
What has been a meaningful lesson in your practice?
When I got injured 3 years ago – I learned what it was like to be a patient myself. I learned how important it is to make time for each patient, give them 100% of my attention and care, never cancel, always be on time, and listen well. It really matters – and can make a difference in someone’s day and health journey.
How and why did you create Salt Water Wellness?
Salt Water Wellness – an Instagram platform/social media platform – now known as @drnastasia – is a place to help people learn about mental and physical health. To receive naturopathic medicine and to discover ways to incorporate more alternative medicine into their lives.
Let’s dive into your quote! What did you mean by:
“You need sad things to happen so that you can heal from them and become stronger. There is a purpose to the harder emotions in life. They teach you how to heal yourself and find a better connection to your truest self. What seems like a lot of struggle and challenging times, will actually become your superpower! You never know who you will inspire, just by being you and braving your way forward.”
I wrote this quote a few years ago during the pandemic. I was healing from a breakup. It had been about 1 year since a bike accident where I was hit by a car and lost my opportunity to teach for a big fitness company in Los Angeles. I had to learn how to walk again, redefine my sense of self, find new ways to work, and also learn who I was again after a recent breakup.
It was NOT easy – yet I learned the most in those years – than I ever had before this. I feel like now I can inspire others to feel better, I found the strength inside myself that I didn’t know was there, and I also learned to love being on my own – in a way, I became my own best friend – something I had never done before! What a gift!

This is why Dr. Nastasia never stops learning. A gift to the book Get Up. Your authentic honesty, vulnerability, and willingness to “get up” after challenges speak volumes. For the world, and as you shared, for yourself. I am so grateful for the wise words you shared on those pages and right here. Thank you.