The very first time I met Megan Cote Khosroshahi, (@megancotekh) I was convinced that the world needs people like Megan. Wife, Mother, Friend, dedicated employee, and all-around spectacular human being.
Megan works with Lisa Borden (@lisaborden) at Borden Communications (@BordenCommunications) and The Akira Concept (@theakiraconcept). Her title is Director of Execution and Evolution. The way I see it? Megan is the answer to anything that needs to get done with expert execution and class.
With all of these outstanding qualities, how could I not ask Megan to be one of our 60 mentors in Get Up?
Megan’s answer to “What would you say to your teenage self? is a beauty indeed. And as usual, before we dive into her wise words, I had to ask Megan a few questions about her life and to prove the fact that the world needs more people like Megan.
Who is Megan Cote Khosroshahi?
I’m another human trying my best to make the most loving decisions.
How did you get into working in Marketing/Web Design?
I’ve always had more than one job, and loved them all, including hosting an environmental tv show for a local network and serving tables, which is what I was doing when I connected with Lisa Borden on Twitter over a decade ago. Everything she was sharing was exciting, along with her great energy. I asked her if she had work I could support her with and since then, it has been a really beautiful journey filled with so many meaningful lessons together. Figuring out how to take good care of our clients, ourselves, our families, and the world.
I feel like working multiple jobs prepared me well for working with Lisa. I’m always ready and excited to bring to life her good ideas. What I learned working with Lisa very early on is that it’s very ok to not know how to do something, but what am I going to do to figure it out? What can I do to support our client’s current challenges? How can I make them really happy, and how efficiently can I do it?
Years ago when our clients needed a simple branded website that was within their budget, and we weren’t able to find someone to deliver something smart and functional for us, we figured out how to build them ourselves. It’s a really great feeling to help someone create their online presence in an organized and authentic way to best support their business and budget. I never imagined I would be building websites, but I’ve really enjoyed working on each site I’ve had the privilege to bring to life, including yours (love!), and it lead me to have the skills and confidence to build out our online community, The Wellness Intelligence Collective… one of my favourite projects yet, and my favourite space to hang out online.
Let’s Talk About The Lessons!
My most rewarding lesson has been to keep a beginner’s mindset. I encounter something new I’ve never done before every day. When I am connected to understanding WHY something is meaningful and important enough for me to do it, I continue to become much stronger at being able to lovingly coach myself to step into each challenge and do my best.
Any painful lessons?
Of course. When you’re open to love and possibility, you’re also leaving yourself open to hurt and disappointment. I watched someone we worked with closely and cared about deeply become incredibly mean and hurtful and ugly. It left us feeling really burned and confused. I think there was likely quite a bit of misunderstanding, and perhaps not enough awareness or capacity from them to engage in the difficult conversations that were needed to change course peacefully. They, unfortunately, chose to go out really low. I learned it’s always worth taking the high road, even when or rather especially when no one’s watching when there’s no recognition or glory. It’s ALWAYS worth making myself proud. Others may come and go, but I have to live with myself forever.
What is your typical day like?
There’s a general routine but it requires incredible flexibility. I work from home, as does my husband, and we care for our five-year-old son, my mother-in-law with advanced Alzheimer’s, and our senior dog with cancer who has recently lost her vision.
Every day includes:
Connection… open heart, open mind, open ears, open arms, ready to give and receive love.
Work… I love helping good people do good things, and I love getting to do it with Lisa and David Newton through Borden Communications and The Akira Concept.
Family meals… enjoying good, kind food together. Homemade with love, intended to nourish my family well and keep blood sugars balanced.
Movement… most weeks include trail walking, indoor cycling, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, and my favourite workout, Akira 360.
UnMeditation… seated, laying down, in nature, or in the sauna.
Play… I love building lego, puzzles, playing board games and cards, colouring, and exploring trails with my son.
A lot of touch… snuggles, kissing, hand-holding, and long hugs.
Gratitude… every evening our family goes around and shares what we’re grateful for specific to that day and something we are proud of.
Self Care… the only way I can continue to take good care of the people I care about is if I take good care of myself. The way I speak to myself, encourage myself, nourish myself physically, mentally, and spiritually, the time I make for myself each day… it all matters. This supports my recovery and my healing so I have more to give all my tomorrows as my strongest, healthiest, most loving self.
Here we go: Unpack your quote:
You are capable of giving and deserving of receiving transcendent love.
The more love I give, the more love I receive, the more beautiful my entire experience feels. Love is my compass… no matter the situation or circumstance, I can always choose love and it will always lead me in the right direction.

It is clear to see that the world needs more people like Megan. An honest, hardworking human that is open to challenges that she knows will bring her growth. I am so grateful that Megan’s wise words are featured in Get Up and that I am able to call her my friend.