Why I Love The Air Care Environmental Mist

This third wave of the pandemic is taking its toll on everything and everybody. I cannot lie. I welcome a healthy vent and do so accordingly. I also recommend being kind to yourself and taking the time to meditate. Especially focusing on what we can control and what brings us joy and happiness. Exercise aside  (I know – total shock, right?) there is one product that I can’t live without. Lo and behold. I present to you The Air Care Environmental Mist from @ecoexistence in Toronto, Ontario. A fabric and air freshener that makes me feel productive and so very happy while I tidy up my home. I tell you, it’s the little things.

Why I love the Air Care Environmental Mist.

The domestic arts are not a fun chore for most, but everyone knows that when you make your bed, an entire domino effect can occur. Once you add this amazing little bottle of joy to the mix – it just brings everything to a whole other level of happiness. Accomplishment. Productivity. Why?

The Ingredients

Alcohol is added first to begin the heavy fight against fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Next up are some heavenly scented essential oils: Lavender, Black Spruce, Sage, and Rose Geranium. These guys help purify the air and also help fight fungus and bacteria. Speaking of Rose Geranium, did you know that it can help kill dust mites? Finally, Air Care Environmental Mist contains Sweet Orange, which naturally lifts your mood, helps with digestion, and energizes the area with a light, fresh scent. The scent is not intrusive at all and according to one of my sons who is sensitive to fragrance, I hear no complaints.

When do I use the Air Care Environmental Mist?

  • I change the bedsheets weekly but spray this baby on day 4.
  • I spritz on throw pillows and couches every two or three days. Especially after excessive videogame sessions.
  • After extensive sleep-in sessions. Is anyone in your home sleeping and lounging in bed for more than 14 hours? When you begin to notice that locker room gym smell. You get the picture.
Oh, how I love the Air Care Environmental Mist. I obviously suggest buying a few bottles for your home. Keep one in each room and mist away! Where to find this little gem? Call 416-652-0808 or message the store owner, Kym Klopp (@ecoexistence). Deliveries within Midtown Toronto and curbside pickup at 766 St. Clair Ave. W.
I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others.  If you would like me to write for a product or service you represent or for your own company, please be in touch.