Exercise Snacks 2.0

Have you heard about Exercise Snacking? It’s an alternative way to get exercise into your day. Thanks to our “new normal”, I have officially decided that Exercise Snacking has just been upgraded to Exercise Snacks 2.0.

I assure you that this is a good thing.

First and foremost, let me explain what Exercise Snacking is not.

Eating __________ (place choice of snack here) while _______ (place exercise of choice here).

It’s not as complicated as you may think.

It’s treating exercise like snacking. Instead of a full hour of exercise like a “meal”, you exercise in 10-15 increments like a “snack”.

Before the pandemic hit, exercise snacking (before I renamed it Exercise Snacks 2.0) could be done during working hours at an office. Proof of how this can be done can be found in this lovely article from Good Morning America.

Obviously, things have changed. No more office corridors to walk and no more stairwells to climb in between meetings. Now what?

It’s time for Exercise Snacks 2.0. Something that I didn’t think I actually needed but was sadly mistaken.


WFH (Working From Home) is our new normal and is it is safe to say that it is a very popular acronym these days. There are exceptions, like front-line and essential service workers. But then there’s the rest of us (like me) who are clocking in their office hours on their dining room table.

What are our days like? We’re eating all meals at home. The coffee is continuously brewing. We are dressed in business attire from the waist up and PJs from the waist down. Don’t forget about the young ones who are attending classes online!

When do we fit in Exercise Snacks 2.0?

Exercise snacks – do I need them?

I have to admit that since the pandemic occurred back in March of 2020, my working life didn’t change much. Being a freelance writer, I have always worked from home. My “break” was going to my neighbourhood gym, and well, that chapter has definitely been put on hold.

I regularly preach the importance of exercise and I stand by it. To continue this healthy habit, I decided to take my cardio outside. No matter what type of weather is on the other side of my front door. (okay – most of the time!) I invested in a Peloton Bike (@onepeloton) and participate in online exercise classes from @Glowfit_bylara and @absfittness.

So I’m good.

I don’t need to Exercise Snacks 2.0.

Or do I?

Not so fast!

I can write for hours at a time. My @fitbitwatch tells me to get up and move, but I ignore it. It wasn’t until I had a conversation with @LisaBorden from @Bordencommunications that sitting for more than two hours at a time, even though I already exercised for an hour is not enough. I need to incorporate Exercise Snacks, 2.0, pronto!

Exercising comes in all forms and the one that was needed the most in my life, albeit a very challenging one, was to stretch my muscles. Especially if I have been sitting for hours at a time.

And so I begin

  • How was I going to Exercise Snacks 2.0?
  • When was I going to do it?
  • What am I going to wear when I do it?

These were the questions that were spinning around in my head and I needed answers.

And they were:

  • Use the exercises from The Akira State Workbook
  • Every time I use the washroom
  • Anything I want – you know I’m wearing sweats!

My Exercise Snacks 2.0

There are dozens of exercises in The Akira State Workbook that teaches us to be our own best expert when we exercise. To pay attention to what we need by listening to our body’s whispers before it roars. As I type this, now my body was whispering to stretch my back and to work on my shoulders.

And so I chose my exercises accordingly, along with a little unmeditation.

And I do these exercises every time I go use the washroom – which is a lot since I drink so much water and I’m  – ahem – at a mature age. 😉

Snacking has never been so challenging.

How are you going to fit in your Exercise Snacks 2.0?