“Yup, No Worries is a life-changing book!”. These words left my lips the moment after I finished reading this beautifully designed self-help book that shares the best self-care, stress relief tips, and healthy hopeful thoughts that will lead to a happier life.
I have to say that I have read my fair share of self-help books. But this one? Wow.
No Worries is a small, but mighty book that carries bigger than life messages. The good news is that you will be able to read it in one sitting; however, (and you can see this as bad news or good news, it’s up to you!) you will want to re-read it again. You won’t be able to help it. I tried to ignore this urge, but it didn’t work. There I was, flipping back to many pages and saying.. “wait a minute..!”
The Authors
No Worries, was written by @lisaborden and @DavidNewtonWellness powered by @TheAkiraConcept Their M.O is to help people live their lives in the healthiest way possible.
No Worries focuses on our mental health, particularly with the act of worrying. We all do it. I am guilty of being a part of this party. I mean, really. How can you not worry, especially now?
To Worry is a Choice.
You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s the truth, even though it’s a painful one that makes your head nod and your eyebrows raise. Unless you have a clinical mental health issue that needs psychological attention, the act of worrying is all in our heads. We have the power within ourselves to choose to worry. Or not. This simple diagram says it all.

It may seem easier said than done at first, but the more you re-read the diagram, slowly, over and over again, the more it makes sense. Just like the rest of No Worries. This is why I feel that No Worries is a life-changing book.
Suddenly, there is another way of looking at what was written, or there is a completely whole new meaning. And then you get to share the concept with those you love. That, my friend, is the best part of reading a book like this, don’t you think?
The Beauty of No Worries
One of the admirable attributes that should be mentioned is the layout and design of No Worries. When things are created in a certain way, whether it’s the food on your plate or the way a room is designed, it’s just so pleasing on the eye when it all looks organized and stuuuunning! I could type the exact same thing on a white background in the Times Roman font and the message would be clear, but it wouldn’t provoke the same emotions and desire to really think about what is said. Just as colour can affect your mood, so can the way the words are designed on the paper. When you put them together, they can create such an impact.
The Rituals
There is one subject that brought a huge smile to my face and it was the rituals. In this upside-down world that we are living in right now, with all its uncertainties that bring on such turbulence in our minds, nothing will calm you more than to have a list of rituals that you can practice each day. Each of these beauties that are listed is tried, tested, and true. The best thing is that they are really easy to do. Did you know that the simple act of drinking water in the morning (before your cup of coffee!) has a list of health benefits that can completely change your day? In a good way, of course!
Trust me, I practice most of these rituals, and they work. Although there’s one that I need to begin practicing, and it has to do with being cold, which is, believe it or not, actually good for your nervous system! Good thing I live in Canada.
No worries is such a life-changing book!
Worrying. We all do it, even though – and you know it – gets us absolutely nowhere, fast. After reading No Worries, you will have a new perspective on this unnecessary habit. And maybe do it a bit less.
@TheAkiraConcept is a Toronto-based business and books are available for curbside pick-up, or available on Amazon in hardcover, softcover (and e-book on their website) Check it all out here.

I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.