Your Friends – do you still want to hang out with them?

Before you tap in their number on your smartphone, here is a question to think about: After being quarantined, let’s talk about your friends – do you still want to hang out with them?

When you are allowed to physically distance yourself safely while socializing, using the right protective gear and general instructions from reliable sources, that is clearly explained here, the big question is, who are you going to choose to hang out with?

During this time of #StayingHome and #PhysicalDistancing, you have to admit, we have received some extra time in our lives. What have you done lately? Besides keeping up with your schoolwork, or job. Have you picked up a new hobby? Read a good book? Watch a great series? Bake?

Has your mind had a chance to wonder, like this?

If so, I bet you have had a chance to think about stuff. Like the times you have spent with your friends hanging out with them.

Remember that time when you got ready together to go to that party? The song that was on in the car that put you in a good mood. Who you danced with. What you wore. How you felt. 
Remember that time when you made plans with your friend after school and you got stood up? Do you remember how you felt after that?

When you reach for your smartphone to text one of your friends, to finally see them in 3D to hang out, who will you contact first? Who will you not?


Who you’re friends with say a lot about you. We recently wrote about this subject in the article “Birds of a Feather, Flock Together.” You can read more about it here.

Now is the time to take a good hard look at the people you used to surround yourself before #COVID19. Ask yourself: Do I enjoy being with them? Are they worth it? How do I feel when I leave them? Tired? Full of energy? Happy? Angry?

We sure dumped a whole lot of questions to ask yourself. That’s a lot of homework; however, there’s no better time than now to answer them. 

Choose Your Friends Wisely.


I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.