Birds of a feather flock together! What the heck does this mean? Why am I talking about birds and their silly feathers?
For good reason! This famous saying by William Turner, whether you have heard about it or not, has great meaning. It dates way back to the 16th century and it means that birds that have the same type of feathers like to hang out together.
Kind of like you and your friends.
Loving the Same Stuff
Let’s take this bird thing scenario to your life. Did you ever notice that you and your friends have stuff in common? For instance, you watch the same shows. Love Italian food. You thrive to study until the wee hours and when it’s over, hit as many parties in town as you can – whether you’re invited or not! Then again, maybe you and your friends love to just chill and tackle everything with ease. Whatever the choice, hanging out with your buddies is easy and fun because you all enjoy the same stuff.
Or Not…
Some may say that it’s possible to have friends that have different interests and ideas than you. There’s nothing like someone to challenge you out of your comfort zone or support you in your endeavors that he/she may not want to be a part of. On a personal note, I have a friend who loves steak. As I dig into my tofu and watch her appreciate every bite, I quote Sharpay in the movie High School Musical, and say “I would rather stick needles in my eyes.” What do I think of my steak loving friend? She’s the best.
Rocky’s Advice
It just gets a little tricky when one of your feathered friends makes you fury your brow. Roll your eyes. Make you feel downright uncomfortable.
Rocky is my favourite movie of all time and as the character, Rocky Balboa, played by @SylvesterStalloneOfficial said: “You hang out with smart people, you get smart friends, you hang out with Yo-Yo people you get Yo-Yo friends.” Simple, but can get complicated, especially if that Yo-Yo person is in your friend group. Birds of a feather flock together!
You have two choices. You can be brave and confront this friend and say something like “Why are you calling me lame because I don’t eat steak?” or you can slowly walk away from this person and leave the friendship. Hard to do yes, but doable. Very doable with the right support. (a trusted friend or mentor to coach you through it)
As a rule of thumb, try to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about who you are, no matter if you both get a thrill from riding the super-duper rollercoasters, or if one is left holding the purses, cheering you on as you ride upside down. (That would be me)
One last thing – If you are in a group, and someone is making you feel uncomfortable in any way, try to have a “bodyguard” who you can confide in. That person will have your back no matter what is said publicly.
Thank you, @angrybirds for the perfect picture
I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.