That webinar I attended recently was totally worth my time. Since the pandemic hit, have you noticed that webinars of all kinds have been popping up in our mailboxes each day and I don’t know about you, but as a parent, I am grateful for it. There is nothing like support at your fingertips, and these days, we need support like we need water.
At least I do.
The good news is that there are so many webinars to choose from. The other day, I blocked off an hour for a webinar that was hosted by my daughter’s school, @GreenwoodCollegeSchool, facilitated by #DrDavidTranter who is a Canadian professor and author. It was about raising your teens during #Covid19.
Stuff I need to know!
Does this ever happen to you? Your listening to someone talk, either live or on-screen and you realize that this is stuff you need to know! So, you grab your phone and type them in your notes app. Or in my case, scramble around in your purse for a pen and notepad. I’m so old fashioned.
After 30 seconds of listening on the comfort of my couch, I plopped my laptop on the table and zoomed to pick up a pad and paper and began to write down crucial information that I needed to post on my refrigerator door. They were that good. They were so many great points, and I can reiterate the whole presentation, but I think the best way to go about this is to highlight what really resonated with me and hit home. Hard.
No Thriving.
Another language? A new hobby? A big project to begin? No thank you. Or at least, not for everyone. You have to know yourself. If it doesn’t feel right to begin a task that felt daunting before this pandemic, it is sure to be ten times more daunting now. Thank God for that webinar for giving me this permission, which I will give to YOU! Do not move forward with what you think you have to be doing.
Each Child is Unique.
I have three children and each one is more different than the next. What is easy for another is extremely difficult for the other. Take note of their strength and struggles and act accordingly. I like to approach domestic issues like academic subjects. For instance, one of my children is struggling with laundry duties. This means I have to spend a little more extra time teaching him the basics and with that, I need to have an extra dose of patience. It’s not easy, but I refuse to give up because, like any subject at school, he needs to learn how to do it.
Be a “Good Enough” Parent.
Supermom does not and should not exist right now. Mind you, it should never exist, but that’s another story. This falls in the same line as the airplane rule of putting the oxygen mask on yourself first and then on your child. Bottom line? Put your needs first. Take that bubble bath. Go on a long walk – BY YOURSELF – and enjoy that cup of coffee in solace. Then, when you are ready, the parenting duties can begin.

I so appreciated and needed that webinar and I look forward to the next one.
What kind of parenting webinars are you participating in? Drop me a line at
I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.