Get ready for the best chocolate banana smoothie that is a frequent request in my house. I mean, who doesn’t love chocolate?
Wouldn’t it be great to have it first thing in the morning for breakfast?
Of course, it has to be nutritious and taste yummy, too.
Not so. Read on!
Breakfast at our house
In our house, our morning time is fast and furious. Breakfast needs to be eaten and digested in about 15-20 minutes. Not ideal, but we’ll take it. We love to make smoothies because the ingredients are easy to find and it takes about 3 minutes to put everything into the blender. To be honest, it’s a hit every time! Even with my kid’s picky selective taste buds.
There’s a whole banana in this recipe that contains Potassium and Manganese, which is awesome for your heart health and skin. It will also give you a boost of energy, and that’s exactly what everyone needs in the morning.
Best part? I sneak in a 1/2 cup of frozen spinach in each serving! That means you get a generous dose of Iron, Vitamin A, C, and K, and Magnesium.
The spinach also helps reduce your blood pressure.
And.. nobody knows that it’s in the smoothie! Well, they do now.

Here’s the recipe:
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Serves 2
- A banana*
- 2 TBS nut butter of choice**
- A cup of frozen spinach
- 2 cups of milk of choice
- Some ice cubes
- 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder (I like @Truvani)
- Dash or two of cinnamon.
Blend in a high-powered blender.
*The riper the banana, the sweeter they will taste. I let my bananas ripen until they are almost black. Then I peel them and put them in the freezer. That way, I just take them out when I need them.
**If allergic, try @wowbutter_com.
Feel free to have this as your 4:00 PM afternoon snack, just when your sweet tooth is at its peak – at least that’s when mine is!

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