Why Don’t I have a boyfriend? Have you heard this one lately? It may have sounded something like this:
I’m 16 and the character in the book, Me and My So-Called Friends has a boyfriend. Well, I’ve never had a boyfriend. Is something wrong with me?
Ahhh! The question that so many teenagers ask while a parent smiles and shakes their head.
In the novel, Me and My So-Called Friends, there is a character named Lizzie who has not one, but two love interests! Hey, I had to make it entertaining! Don’t forget – this is a work of fiction! Not real life.
The reason why I created a relationship for Lizzie in the story so that I could represent what a healthy relationship looks like. Also, what’s a Young Adult fiction novel without a little romance?
Reality Check!
As for real-life – YOUR real life, I want you to trust me – no really trust me – as I reassure you that nothing is wrong with you. I am standing on my soapbox, yelling at the top of my lungs to tell you this: Everyone blossoms at their own time, and everyone has a chance to meet someone when it is the right time FOR THEM.
Just because your best friend met the love of their life (so they say) by age 13, all I can say is yippie for them. You may not have met that special someone and it may take you another four years until you do, or two years or maybe you will meet them tomorrow, virtually of course. But when you do, it will be worth the wait.
The new normal
And then there’s another kicker: Today’s current “new normal” social situation. House parties of any kind are not happening, anywhere in the world. At least, it’s not supposed to. As the weather is getting colder, especially in Canada, people are not hanging out outdoors as much as they did in the summer.
Thank goodness school is still on so there is some social interaction, but for now, say goodbye to any house party as it’s forbidden. I know, it sucks.
This leads to
- To be with somebody for the sake of being with somebody, just because they are around.
- Feelings of loneliness
- Screaming out at the top of your lungs “How am I EVER going to meet somebody?”
I hear the frustrations loud and clear and I have some solutions. It’s time to get creative!
- FaceTime! It may not be the real thing, but it’s better than the old-fashioned voice-only phone.
- Appreciate and cherish the friendships that you do have. You never know where they may lead.
- Time to take stock of who is in your life. Take the time to really think about your friends and romantic interests. Are they worth it?
One final word: Got a crush on someone but they don’t like you back? They don’t know what they’re missing! It was never meant to be and it’s their loss and your gain for not wasting your time.
Oh my, is this pandemic ever testing our patience! It can make anyone scream out “Why don’t I have a boyfriend?”
What we used to take for granted is really amazing to reflect upon. This challenging time won’t last forever, even though it seems like it is. Now is the perfect time to take stock of who you spend your time with within your social circles. What you like, don’t like, and most importantly, how you want to handle your current relationships.
Editor’s note: This blog has no intention of discriminating against anyone’s relationship preferences or sexual orientation.

I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.