I Love My Parenting Posts!

I love my parenting posts! Every morning, in my Inbox, I receive daily words of wisdom from Sarah Channa Radcliffe M.Ed., C.Psych. They are a paragraph or even a sentence or two about parenting and relationships. Ms. Radcliffe calls them Parenting posts. I call them the information I need to hear. Right now.

I read them (almost) each day and it really makes me think about the people in my life and how I should be treating them. And how they should be treating me!

About Sarah Channa Radcliffe

@sarahchannaradcliffe is a registered member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She practices marriage, parenting, and individual counseling.  Radcliffe is also the author of six books on emotional health and well being and has also written the highly acclaimed Raising Your Kids Without Raising Your Voice, The Fear Fix, and Harmony at Home. 

Here at @Brave_The_Waves, we are a strong advocate for support when life becomes too difficult to manage. However, we respect that it may be too hard to take that first step with a professional.


As mentioned in pasts posts, there are other resources to find comfort and support when challenges take over your life. You can talk to relatives, friends, and mentors of all kinds. There are also self-help books as mentioned above. Some are life-changing and are quite helpful. However, you can get lost in the sea of them at your local bookstore, which can be quite overwhelming.

And then there’s the time – who has the time to read all of these books and talk to people? Maybe you’re just not ready for it.

If you are unable to devote the time to work on your relationships with a professional, or book, I suggest you begin with Sarah’s parenting posts. Best of all, they are FREE!

A great place to begin

These wonderful messages will be sent to your e-mailbox 6 days a week. (Sarah takes one day off to honour the Sabbath.) What do you get? A no-nonsense, simple, and easy advice on parenting, relationships, and well, life in general.

And do they ever pack a punch!

Sometimes the biggest things that are bothering you can be fixed in a way that can make you say – out loud – yes, we have done it. “Wow. That is so simple it’s crazy but I just might try it.” 

The exercise of reading these daily parenting posts may open up a whole new world of inquiry. You may find yourself wanting the time to speak to a professional or investing the time to read a book that will help you may suddenly creep up to the top of your “to-do” list.

I love my parenting posts, because you never know what they will bring into your life.

We so look forward to receiving these daily emails every day. They are fast, easy to do and the results are priceless! Check them out at www.dailyparentingposts.com and this is Sarah Chana’s website:  http://sarahchanaradcliffe.com/

Thank you, Sarah Channa Radcliffe, for letting us steal your fabulous images!


I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.