Going to a party? This activity may seem all fun and innocent at first with the best intentions. You just never know what’s going on in someone’s home.
Remember the “Just Say No” campaign? That’s so Reagan years. (Nancy Reagan was the first lady of the United States during the 1980s and she ran an anti-drug campaign called Just Say No) With all due respect, the campaign had good intentions, but it didn’t work. At all.

Talk about it.
A good idea is to talk about your concerns with substance experimentation with someone you trust. Make sure you have the proper knowledge before you make your choice.
Here’s the best part – it doesn’t have to be your parents and why should it? It can be anybody from your teacher (don’t look so shocked) your math tutor, your friend’s older sister or brother or even the person who cuts your hair. Who cares who it is – as long as you can “dump” your thoughts on someone who will listen. Someone who you feel is a responsible adult. Someone you look up to and think is smart and have noticed they have made wise choices.
Be prepared! It’s a good idea to ask the questions before you enter a situation that may be full of peer pressure.
Do the research.
Here’s another thing you can do, since you are already attached to your smartphone like glue, research what you are interested in experimenting with. Find out all of the facts. As they say, knowledge is power, which will put you in control.
One last thing – no one should be forcing you to try anything. You can say no – just like Nancy Reagan! 😉 Stand by your convictions. Friends will respect you if you are non-judgemental of their choices and just “Do You.”
And most importantly, are going to a party? If so, have fun!
Thank you, @lifewithmak2005 for the cutest picture. Not sure where you were going – but it looked like you were going to some sort of party. And by the way – we love your tagline on your Instagram account: Meaning. Acceptance. Kindness.

I’m so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to write what I’m passionate about and what I think will serve others. If you would like me to write about you and your passions for the Braves The Waves Journal, or for your own company, please be in touch.